Monday, August 31, 2009

Too scared to scoot!

Red Scooter, originally uploaded by PDPhotography.

I loved having a scooter in college and often yearn for the zippy freedom and low gas mileage that those days held. However after stopping to assist in a scooter vs. road accident yesterday I think I may put the scooter fantasy on the back burner.

Driving down the street in my not so zippy red van I happened upon an man and his scooter sprawled out in the middle of the road. While another car had already stopped they didn't have a cell phone and seemed to be in a state of panic. I donned my super hero cape--jumped out of the car--called 911 and held the man's hand until help arrived.

I realized my dreams of a red vespa instead of a red van were one blown front tire away from it being me sprawled out on the concrete. I think I will re-think the scooter thing. I might be wimpy but I will be intact!

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